Dark Humor Jokes: Collection of Wickedly Funny Humor Jokes

Dark Humor Jokes Definition

One can describe dark humour jokes as a type of humor that incorporates humor from subjects typically considered too serious, inappropriate, or disturbing. These jokes often revolve around concepts like death, illness, tragedy, and other disturbing subjects. They have to tread the delicate line between inducing laughter and uncomfortableness. Here are a few instances:

Dark Humor Jokes

  • “I told my wife that she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.”
  • “Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts.”
  • “My grief counselor passed away.” He was so good, I don’t even care.”
  • Do skeletons have to fight against each other? They don’t have the guts.
  • She told me that she had her eyebrows drawn excessively high. She was shocked.
  • My grief counselor passed away. He was a great counsellor; I’m not even bothered.
  • Why aren’t scientists able to trust the concept of atoms? They are fundamental to everything.
  • I tried to throw a boomerang some time before. Since then, I am in constant fear.
  • There is no carbon footprint. It’s just me driving everywhere.
  • Parallel lines possess a lot in common. Unfortunately, they’ll never come together.
  • I once had a handle on life, until I had a breakdown.
  • People often say that the food you eat shapes you. I decided to have a meal by myself.
  • The initial plan was to not receive a brain transplant, after which I rethought my mind.
  • Time travels like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
  • I asked the librarian if the library has any books about paranoia. She said, “They’re right behind you.”
  • My ex-wife still misses me. Her goal is to get better!
  • The doctor I saw told me I fractured my arm in two areas. He advised me to stop making trips to the clinics.
  • When I see couples’ names engraved on a tree, it’s not something I find attractive or romantic. It’s a bit odd to see how most people carry knives with the names of their loved ones on dates.
  • My dream is to sleep peacefully while in bed, like my great-grandfather. Do not shout and scream like many of his passengers do.
  • The present, the future, and the past strolled through a bar. Things started to get tense.
  • What’s the word for the cheapest circumcision? Rip-off.
  • I wondered why the frisbee kept getting larger. After that, it came to me.
  • The man who battled in the face of pepper spray as well as mustard gas is a seasoned veteran now.
  • I’d share with you a chemical joke, but I know I wouldn’t get a reaction.
  • My dad passed away at the age of 62 because the family couldn’t recall his blood type. As he was dying, he insisted on “being positive,” but it’s difficult to live without him.
  • Why do some couples not go to the exercise center? because some relationships don’t work out.
  • The discharge from the calendar company’s headquarters stunned me. All I did was take an off day.
  • My therapist suggests that I’m experiencing a fascination with revenge. Let’s see how that goes.
  • What made this math book so depressing? The book was overflowing with challenges.
  • Then I explained to my wife that she was drawing her eyebrows way too high. She was shocked.
  • I threw a boomerang a few years before. Since then, I’ve been in constant fear.
  • I want to die peacefully and sleep soundly, just like my great-grandfather. He didn’t yell or shout like the people who were in his car.
  • My ex-wife still misses me. But she is working to get better!
  • My lady friend accused me of making up stories. I remarked that she began to sound just like my wife.
  • The future, the present, and the past all walked through the bar. There was some tension.
  • My doctor has told me that I’m becoming deaf. The announcement was very difficult for me.
  • Then I informed my wife that she was raising her eyebrows too high. Her eyes were wide with surprise.
  • That incident occurred a few years ago when I launched a boomerang. Now I live in continuous fear.
  • Why aren’t skeletons fighting each other? The bones don’t have the courage.
  • Why do scientists distrust atoms? Because they’re everywhere.
  • No, I’m not a person with a carbon footprint. I drive around everywhere.
  • Parallel lines have lots to share. It’s a shame that they’ll never be able to meet.
  • I had an understanding of life, but then my life began to unravel.
  • The saying goes, “You are what people eat.” That’s why I began eating on my own.
  • Initially, I had no intention of undergoing a brain transplant, but after a shift in my perspective,
  • Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
  • I asked which librarian had any paranoia-related books. She said, “They’re right behind you.”
  • My doctor informed me that I had broken my arm in two different locations. They advised me to cease visiting these locations.
  • If I come across the names of lovers’ loved ones engraved onto the branches of a tree, I don’t find it attractive or romantic. I find it weird how everyone takes knives with them on dates.
  • The present, the future, and the past all walked through a bar. The mood was slightly tense.
  • What’s the word for a cheap circumcision? Rip-off.
  • I wondered why the frisbee kept getting bigger. And then it struck me.
  • The veteran who got through mustard gas and pepper spray has gained experience.
  • I would like to share a chemistry joke with you; however, I am confident that I would not receive a response.
  • My father passed away because we didn’t know the blood type of his father. In the days before his death, he continually pleaded with us to “be positive,” but it’s tough without him.
  • Why isn’t every couple going to the gym? Because some relationships don’t work out,.
  • The news of my dismissal from the calendar factory shocks me. All I did was take an off day.
  • My therapist has said that I suffer from an obsession with vengeance. I’ll keep an eye on that.
  • I told my friend 10 jokes so that he would laugh. Sadly, no pun in ten did.
  • The person who took my diary recently passed away. My thoughts are with his family.
  • What’s best about being a resident of Switzerland? It’s difficult to say, but the flag is a big plus.
  • I used to be a baker, but I struggled to bake enough dough.
  • The graveyard appears to be overcrowded. It must be very crowded. be able to enter.
  • I have a fear of speed bumps, but I’m gradually getting over it.
  • When I spoke to my wife, I suggested that she could accept her errors. My wife gave me a hug.
  • I stayed up all night watching the sun go where it was headed. Then it dawned on me.
  • My girlfriend and I broke the ice. There was a new boyfriend every moment. I had no idea that someone could cheat on me in solitaire.
  • I intended to share some humorous anecdotes regarding time travel; however, I am confident that you did not find them amusing.
  • I’ve made a few jokes about unemployed people, but nobody is working.
  • I began my new role as a security guard, but the manager informed me that I couldn’t let anyone in after work hours. My work schedule is never on time.
  • At my funeral, I prefer a casket with a lid. When the funeral is over, be sure that the organist plays “Pop Goes the Weasel” until all eyes are on my casket with awe.
  • My wife told me that I had to stop making up flamingos. I had to assert my authority.
  • I told him he should go to bed as a parent. He replied, “I didn’t think I had to go to bed; it’s still daylight.” I responded, “No, it’s bedtime, not sun time.”
  • What’s a manufacturing facility that creates an acceptable product? A satisfying.
  • There is a personality split in me,”  said Tom, referring to himself as Frank.
  • I’m reading a book about gravity and antigravity. It’s difficult to put down.
  • Did you hear about the Italian chef who passed away? He was a pasta chef.
  • What’s an example of fake spaghetti? An impasta.
  • I’m currently on a diet based around whiskey. Three days have passed since my last loss.
  • There was a moment when I lacked certainty. At present, I’m not sure.
  • My math teacher has called me “average.” How mean!
  • Recently, I decided to sell my vacuum cleaner because it only collected dust.
  • I informed my wife that she would have to raise her eyebrows high. She looked surprised.
  • A termite comes into the bar and inquires, “Is the bartender here?”
  • I swore to my wife that she must narrate audiobooks. She excels at creating original stories.
  • I’m rereading a horror tale in Braille. It’s going to be a disaster. happen.  I can feel it.
  • Did you know about the claustrophobic astronaut? There was a need for space.
  • I’d love to tell you a bit of a joke about elevators; however, I’m taking it on a different level.
  • If you happen to receive melons, you may have dyslexia.
  • Have you heard about the man who had his entire left side shaved off? All is well.
  • I’m writing a novel on reverse psychology. It’s not worth the money.
  • It’s true that I’ve got an inferiority problem, but it’s not one of the best ones.
  • I named my dog Five Miles to inform people that I walk Five Miles every day.
  • I donated all of my batteries that died today. The batteries are free.
  • I love all the characters in the alphabet, but I particularly enjoy the vowels. There are many areas where we agree.
  • Why aren’t couples taking their kids to the fitness centre? Because certain relationships don’t work out,
  • I played the piano with my ear. Now I play with my hands.
  • I’m terrified of elevators, so I’m going to start using steps to keep from going through them.
  • I paid for a ceiling fan the other day. This was a total waste of time and money. He’s standing around in awe and says, “Ooh, I love how smooth it is.”
  • I told my computer that I should take a break. However, now it won’t stop sending me Kit-Kat ads.
  • I was addicted to hokey pokey, but then I turned my life around.
  • There are only 25 letters in the alphabet. It’s not like I know what Y is.
  • I was wondering if the ball was getting bigger. It hit me.

History of Dark Humour

Dark humour has its roots deep in antiquity. Greek tragedies and Shakespearean plays have roots. This genre often contained elements of dark humour to demonstrate the absurdity of human suffering. French surrealist Andre Breton coined the term “black humour” (noir humour) in the 1930s, and authors such as Mark Twain and Lenny Bruce gained recognition for it during the early 20th century. Dark humour has evolved over time, constantly challenging boundaries and reflecting societal changes.

The psychology behind dark humor

Why do people enjoy dark humor? Psychologists think it could assist in dealing with anxiety. Through a sense of humor, they are able to manage their worries and anxieties in a more manageable way, despite the harsh facts of life. The research has proven that people who like dark humour have a tendency to have higher levels of mental acuity and emotional stability. They also display characteristics of transparency and greater ability to handle negative emotions.

Controversy and Ethical Considerations

Dark humour is not without its disagreements. Its potential to offend or harm others is a major concern because it is often a touchpoint in sensitive areas. Ethical considerations arise when humour crosses the line of inappropriateness or reinforces harmful stereotypes. Creators and comedians must be able to balance their efforts to inspire ideas and laughter with the responsibility to avoid unnecessary harm. While some argue that nothing can be considered inappropriate in comedy, others believe that empathy and respect should define comedy’s boundaries.

Popularity in Modern Media

In spite of its controversial nature, it has found a prominent space in today’s media. TV shows like “South Park,” “Family Guy,” and “The Simpsons” often incorporate dark humour as a way to discuss topics of the day. People celebrate films like “Dr. Strangelove” and “pulp fiction” for their dark elements. Social media platforms, particularly Reddit and Instagram, additionally host vibrant forums where members can discuss their dark humour jokes.

Examples of Dark Humour Jokes

Here are some dark-toned jokes that are suitable for a broad audience:

  1. “Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.”
  2. “I threw a boomerang a few years ago. Now I live in constant fear.”
  3. “I don’t have a carbon footprint. I just drive everywhere.”


Dark humour jokes, a distinctive and controversial form of humor, have been a part of human history for centuries. While they may be an excellent way to cope with difficult subjects, they also require the right balance to avoid damaging the audience. They are fun to watch, whether you love them or don’t; they reflect the complexity of human emotion and the always-changing boundaries that exist in comedy.